The other trees that bear acorns, properly so called, are the
robur, the æsculus, the cerrus, the holm-oak,[1] and the corktree:[2] it is contained in a rivelled calyx, which embraces
more or less of it, according to the several varieties. The
leaves of these trees, those of the holm-oak excepted, are
weighty, pulpy, long, and jagged at the edges, and they do
not turn yellow before they fall, as with the beech: they are
also longer or shorter, as the case may be.
There are two kinds[3] of holm-oak: one of them, which
belongs to Italy, has a leaf not very unlike that of the olive;
some of the Greeks give it the name of "milax,"[4] and in our
provinces it is known as the aquifolia. The acorn of these
two kinds is shorter and more slender than in the others:
Homer[5] calls it "acylos," and by that name distinguishes it
from the ordinary acorn: it is generally said that the male
tree of the holm-oak bears no fruit.
The best acorn, and the very largest, is that which grows
upon the quercus, and the next to it is the fruit of the aæscu-
lus: that of the robur, again, is diminutive, and the fruit of
the cerrus has a meagre, wretched look, being enclosed in a
calyx covered with prickles, like the outer coat of the chesnut. With reference to the acorn of the quercus, that which
grows upon the female tree[6] is sweeter and more tender,
while that of the male is more solid and compact. The acorn,
however, of the latifolia[7] is the most esteemed, an oak so
called from the remarkable broadness of its leaves. The acorns
differ also among themselves in size, and the comparative
fineness of the outer shell; as also in the circumstance that
some have beneath the shell a rough coat of a rusty colour,
while in others a white flesh immediately presents itself.
Those, too, are more particularly esteemed, the two extremities of the nut of which, taken lengthwise, are as hard as a
stone: and it is considered preferable that this peculiarity
should present itself rather in the shell than in the flesh: in
either case, however, it only exists in the fruit of the male tree.
In some kinds, again, the acorn is oval, in others round;
while in others it is of a more pointed form. The colour, too,
varies considerably, according as it is blacker or whiter; this
last being held in the highest esteem. The extremities of the
acorn are bitter, but the flesh in the middle of it is sweet;[8]
another difference, too, consists in the comparative length or
shortness of the stalk.
As for the trees themselves, the one that bears the acorn of
largest size is known as the "hemeris;"[9] a small tree with
a thick bushy foliage all around it, and often hollowed at the
place where the branch is joined to the trunk. The quercus
has a stronger wood, and less susceptible of decay: this also is
a very branchy tree, but is much taller than the last, while
the trunk is considerably thicker. The ægilops,[10] however, is
the highest of them all, and is much attached to wild, uncultivated spots. Next to this in height is the latifolia, but its
wood is far from being so useful either for building purposes
or for charcoal. When rough-hewn it is very apt to spoil,
hence it is that it is generally used in an unhewn state. As
charcoal, it is considered only economical in smelting copper;
for the moment the workman ceases to blow, the fire dies out,
and hence it requires to be repeatedly rekindled; while at the
same time it gives out great quantities of sparks. The best
charcoal is that obtained from the wood of young trees.[11]
Square billets of wood, newly cut, are piled compactly together
with clay, and built up in the form of a chimney; the pile is
then set fire to, and incisions are made in the coat of clay as it
gradually hardens, by the aid of long poles, for the purpose of
letting the moisture of the wood evaporate.
The worst kind of all, however, both for timber and for
making charcoal, is the oak known as the "haliphlœos,"[12] the
bark of which is remarkably thick, and the trunk of considerable size, but mostly hollow and spongy: it is the only one
of this species that rots while the tree is still alive. In
addition to this, it is very frequently struck by lightning,
although it is not so remarkably lofty in height: for this
reason it is not considered lawful to employ its wood for the
purposes of sacrifice. It is but rarely that it bears any acorns,
and when it does they are bitter: no animal will touch them,
with the sole exception of swine, and not even they, if they
can get any other food. An additional reason also for its exclusion from all religious ceremonials, is the circumstance
that the fire is very apt to go out in the middle of the
sacrifice when the wood of it is used for fuel.
The acorn of the beech, when given to swine,[13] makes them
brisk and lively, and renders the flesh tender for cooking, and
light and easy of digestion; while, on the other hand, that of
the holm oak has the effect of making them thin, pallid,
meagre, and lumpish. The acorn of the quercus is of a broad
shape, and is the heaviest as well as the sweetest of them
all. According to Nigidius, the acorn of the cerrus occupies
the next rank to this, and, indeed, there is no acorn that
renders the flesh of swine more firm, though at the same time
it is apt to impart a certain degree of hardness. The same
author assures us also, that the acorn of the holm oak is a
trying diet for swine, unless it is given in very small quan-
tities at a time. He says, too, that this acorn is the last
to fall, and that the flesh of swine, if fed upon the acorns
of the æsculus, the robur, or the cork-tree, will be of a
spongy nature.
1. "Ilex." Fée thinks that the varieties known as the Prinos and the
Ballota were often confounded by the ancients with the "ilex" or "holm-oak." This tree, he says, bears no resemblance to the ordinary oak, except
in the blossoms and the fruit. It is the Ilex of Linnæus, the "yeuse," or
green oak," of the French.
2. The Quercus suber of Linnæus; it is found more particularly in the
department of the Landes in France.
3. As Fée remarks, Pliny is clearly in error here; one kind being the
veritable ilex or holm oak, the other, the aquifolium or holly, quite a dif-
ferent tree.
4. The smilax or milax was a real holm oak, but the aquifolia was the holly.
5. Od. xi. 242. Fée remarks that the berry of the holly has no resem
blance to the acorn whatever, and he says that this statement of Pliny almost leads him to think that the second variety here mentioned by him was
not in reality the holly, but a variety of the quercus.
6. Fée observes that, properly speaking, there is no sex in the oak, the
individuals being neither male nor female. The Flora Danica however, as
he observes, gives the name of "Quercus fœmina" to the Quercus racemosa
of Lamarck.
7. Or "broad-leaved" oak; one of the varieties of the Quercus sessiliflora of Smith—For. Brit.
8. This statement is contrary to general experience in modern times,
the flavour of the acorn being uniformly acrid and bitter throughout. It
is not impossible, however, that the flavour may have been more palatable
in ancient times.
9. A variety of the common oak, the Quercus racemosa of Lamarck;
Sprengel takes it to be the Quercus ballota of Desfontaines.
10. The Quercus ægilops of Linnæus. It is a native of Piedmont, some
parts of Italy, and the island of Crete.
11. Pliny's account of making charcoal is derived from Theophrastus,
B. iii. c. 10. Fée remarks that it differs little from the method adopted in
France at the present day.
12. The Quercus Hispanica, probably, of Lamarck, of which Fée thinks
the Quercus pseudo-suber of Desfontaines is a variety; it is found in
Greece and on the shores of the Mediterranean, near Gibraltar. The Greek
name signifies the "sea cork-tree."
13. The statement here given as to the effect of beech-mast on swine, is
destitute, Fée remarks, of all foundation. If fed upon it, their flesh will
naturally be of a soft, spongy nature.